Live Learning Online Vs Prerecorded Online Courses

With the advancement of technology education has made significant strides. From traditional classroom-style classes to self-paced learning and development (L&D) methods have changed to accommodate various electronic stores and their benefits learning styles and preferences. Live learning online is one such method, which offers a more collaborative and interactive learning experience for learners. Before you choose the best option for your organization it is essential to know how this method differs from the traditional way of recording courses.

What is live learning?

Live learning online is, as the name suggests, is a kind of online learning which allows students to interact in real-time with their instructors and classmates using a videoconferencing tool such as Zoom. In contrast to other online learning methods live classes emphasize the ability to communicate in real-time between instructors and students, which allows students to answer any doubts they might have and promotes deeper understanding of the material.

To maximize the effectiveness of a live course, it is recommended to structure the sessions in line with the goals and objectives of their overall course design. Instructors must, for instance, ensure that each Live Session adds value to the reads or recorded videos by elaborating and clarifying them, applying them by practicing, debating and analyzing.

Students in a live class can also build stronger bonds with their instructors and classmates through discussions and collaborations in groups. This helps them stay motivated throughout the entire course. This is especially crucial for subjects which require a high level of interaction and understanding, like mathematics, chemistry, Arabic or Russian.

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